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A Christmas Message to our Community
Posted by KYSS on Wednesday 18 December 2019

Another year has flown by and once again Kinsale Youth Support Service is extremely grateful for all the support we received in 2019 from our community.

We would like for you to know that the funding that is given to KYSS helps you, and the people around you, the person who cannot afford counselling, the family who cannot afford travel to get to appointments, the popular person that feels so isolated, the young people who cannot afford to participate in activities, the parents that are struggling to parent, the children who are made to be adults, the teacher who is to be the support for others, the dad struggling to see his children, the mom who is parenting alone, the person who has been bullied, the person that is the bully, your employee who is struggling to come to work, the employer who is suffering from stress, the list is endless.

We all have mental health but do we all have the support to keep going. We at KYSS firmly believe that Mental Health is a community concern and should be addressed with the support of the community.

The service we provide ranges from Low Cost Counselling, Tea and Chat, Signposting and above all Connectivity. KYSS provides information and connects people to the service they are seeking. We should all be aware in our towns, villages, and neighbourhoods of the need to connect and stay connected. 

Once again thank you kindly for all your support and I would like to leave you with ‘the power of a cup of tea and a chat is sometimes all the support one needs’. Don’t underestimate the value YOU can bring to someone’s life by a simple act of kindness.


We look forward to working with you in 2020.


Wishing you all very happy and peaceful Christmas


Take Care Help is There!


KYSS Youth Health Worker – Ger Rice 085 872579